Journal – PLEASE!!

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      Hello everyone

      Tony Gazley and I are editing the club journal this year. Or at least we hope we are. Time is running out now and we are beginning to worry that there won’t be a journal.

      We have very little material to date. We will be disappointed if we can’t publish the journal this year as we have a good budget to do so and were very excited about it. But neither of us are willing to write it ourselves or to publish a substandard issue. Remember it’s your journal, we are just putting it together.

      I know we are all busy and have a hundred things to think about. However this is a plea to please make the time to sit down soon and write your stories about all the great things you have been doing in the outdoors that you think others may want to hear about. We are after all kinds of trip stories, we want variety. It doesn’t have to be a master piece, that’s what the editors are for!

      We also need lots of photos so please send them through.

      Look forward to my inbox being flooded!

      The Forlorn Journal Editors :-(

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