Kaweka Hot Pools + easy tramping

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    • #15067 Reply
      Helen Law

      HI All,

      This is Helen Law here. I am leading a easy tramping trip to the Kaweka Hot Pools next weekend and I have a few places left.

      The plan is we will either leave Thursday after work (24th June) or early Friday morning (25th June) – note you will need to take Friday off work – and we will return on Sunday early evening (27th).

      Apart from the 3 hour walk to Te Puai Lodge where we will stay for 2 nights, there will be plenty of opportunities for us to soak in the hot pools – there is even one at the road end carpark. We will also do some short daywalks.

      Costs: $50 for member, $60 for non-member. Te Puai is a 3-ticket hut/ per night.

      If you are keen to join us, please send me an email by this Sunday and I will forward you with the detail.


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