Lake Constance, NELSON LAKES

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    • #12084 Reply
      Judy Gardner

      HAs any one been around Lake Constance recently? Is so can they let me know the condition of the track?

    • #16330 Reply
      Shane Connolly


      Well I haven’t been to Lake Constance for about 18 mths but from memory it was an OK route.
      (Note it is a route – not a well graded track.)

      Usually the route follows around the side of the lake (not right around) and is used to gain access to Waiau Pass /Lewis Pass.

      From the North after climbing up from Blue lake (straight forward track) the route sidles about 100m above the West side of the lake ( a few cairns and poles) until about halfway along and then drops steeply in a bit of a gut down onto the lake shore. ( The drop down is a bit steep and can be loose underfoot).

      The route then follows along the South West lake shore to Waiau Pass.

      From Waiau pass heading north it looks attractive to skirt around the lake shore but it is blocked one or two bluffs on both sides of the lake.

      Note that there is a picture of the lake on this web site.(Taken looking south)


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