Lake Taupo Cycle Challenge

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    • #13571 Reply
      Simon Ward*

      dear punters

      i am organising the club’s participation in this year’s round taupo cycle challenge and i would like to confirm numbers by the end of august so that i can then confirm our accommodation.

      for those of you who don’t know about the event it involves cycling round the lake once (160km), twice (320km), or three times (who would want to do that?). if those distances seem a bit daunting you can also participate as part of a team by cycling either 40km’s (four people) or 80 km’s (two people). If you want to cycle 40km’s or 80 km’s but don’t have people to do the remaining km’s let me know and i will attempt to put some team’s together.

      the event is held on the last saturday of november. we will need to take the friday off work to ensure we get to taupo at a reasonable hour.

      if you are interested in participating or know of people who are interested please let me know.



    • #17289 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Worried about your annual leave balance – you don’t have to take Friday off work unless you are tackling the 320km or the 500km rides …… The past 2 years, I have made it up in time to register on Friday night, though you need to be patient as its a slow trip behind all those other cars with bikes on the back!

    • #17290 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      Grant’s problem has been in not being able to keep up with his bike.

    • #17291 Reply

      Crikey, and back in the last century we used to bowl on up in the club truck park in the carpark on the lake front or near Craters of the Moon and bivvy out …

    • #17300 Reply
      Lyndsay Fletcher

      I will be keen again.

      I would like to be part of a relay team and as in the past I am again offering to cook the group dinner on Saturday night. With that in mind I need to be the first rider of the relay team so that I can return to Taupo to start the dinner preperations. Can you please let me know if there are others, keen to join my relay group. Once I know, I will then fill in the form and send it up for the others to fill in their entries.

      Please let it be known that I will need transport from Wellington and return. As soon as I know who I am going with I can then book my ferry tickets to match the departure and arrival times of that car from Wellington. Could I be advised ASAP so that I can get in earl to get the best price on the ferry.

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