Leader needed for Labour Weekend "Easy"

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    • #13597 Reply
      Andrew Chisholm

      Helen McDermott’s unable to lead the Labour Weekend “Easy” tramp (24-27 October).

      The route’s in the Richmond Range from Hackett stream to Dun Mountain behind Nelson.

      Since this is the only Easy we’re running during Labour Weekend we really need someone else to step in and lead – ASAP, since the trips are very close.

      Helen is also unable to lead an Easy day trip from the club’s Ruapehu Lodge on the weekend 14-16 November. The indended route was a great day trip down to the main road via Whakapapaiti Hut and Mangahuia.

      If you’re able to lead either of these trips please get in touch with me.

    • #17303 Reply
      Andrew Chisholm

      We now have leaders for both trips.

      Labour Weekend Easy Hackett Creek – Dun Mountain: Ailsa Taylor
      Nov 14-16 Easy Ruapehu Lodge day trips: Sue Walsh

      Thanks very much Ailsa and Sue.

      If you’re interested in going on Ailsa’s Labour Weekend trip please get your name up on the trip list ASAP (or if you can’t make it to club night, contact Ailsa directly).

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