Leaders req: Easter Easy, Orongorongo Med

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    • #13646 Reply
      Andrew Chisholm

      With the schedule almost out, there are two trips that really need leaders:

      Apr 8-12 (Easter) Easy trip, Lewis Pass Day trips
      This is the only Easy trip running, so it’s really important we give our Easy punters a chance to get away.

      Feb 8 (during Waitangi weekend) Medium Day walk, Orongorongo Water Catchment trip
      An opportunity to visit a fantastic piece of forest near Wellington, and walk through to the water intake on the Orongorongo River. I loved the trip last year. Unfortunately the way the booking system works we have to just take any opportunity we have to visit this area – and it may not come up every year.

      There are quite a few other trips that we could run, but will get removed from the draft schedule if no leader is found. They tend to be Tubing trips, MTB day trips and Kayak M and M/F trips. If you’re keen to lead anything like these or want another look at the schedule, please get in touch with me.


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