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    • #14790 Reply

      My last day in New Zealand is 16th March, one week away. Feel quite sad to be going now and will miss the gang at the club more than any amount of tramping and mountainbiking. Might do a few things this coming week:

      Wednesday: Will be giving away one or two things at club. Probably my maps, (unused) walking poles and whatever fuel I’ve got left over. I’ll just leave them at the top and people can take whatever they want. Will be in the Welsh bar after I’ve helped Marie to dispose of the milk.

      Friday: Bike around the bays, starting at about six. Maybe not all of them, depending on how hungry I’m feeling – might go for a curry afterwards with whoever turns up. Can meet outside the club building or give me a shout (email’s probably best).

      Saturday: Doing a daywalk, maybe Jumbo-Holdsworth.

      Sunday: Dinner/grill over at my place. Will cook some food but if it doesn’t go ’round then it’ll be barbeque fare. Contact me if you’re interested in coming, don’t want to put the address up on the ‘net and have a flash mob on my landlord’s house right before I leave!

      Monday: Will probably be around town, certainly plan to have a bite to eat with my Dusky companions, maybe one or two others. Probably in town somewhere so I don’t leave a mountain of dishes after me. Might go for a few afterwards in the Southern Cross or even the Welshie.

      Tuesday: Probably won’t see anyone as I’ll be on the 06:40 flight to Sydney, trying to hold in the tears.

      If I don’t see you between now and then, so long and thanks for all the memories. Please drop me an email if you’re heading off to Europe and I’ll see whether I can get a cheap flight to wherever and catch up. If you’re visiting Dublin then I might even be able to put you up for a few nights. Anyone who’s tramped with me will know that I don’t discriminate against (or even notice) snorers.

      Slán agus beannacht,

    • #18109 Reply

      Daywalk is now full, thanks.

    • #18110 Reply

      Have had a change of heart on the maps, I’m afraid. I tried to let go but have the feeling that I’ll just end up buying them again at some point in the future. Sorry. Leaves meagre pickings: two walking poles, some fuel and a few packets of dehy veg.

    • #18111 Reply

      Bike ride on Friday is now Laser Force at half six followed by curry or something.

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