Makara Peak film fundraiser

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      As you may have heard the Makara Peak MTB Park Supporters are raising money to ensure privately owned land within the park is bought by the WCC. (See for more fundraising info)

      Our next fundraiser is a movie night at the Penthouse on Sunday 25th May. Tickets are $14 and there will spot prizes and chocolate dished out. Tickets are available from me and I’ll be ast the clubrooms on Wednesdays before the film.

      Sunday 25 May, 7:45pm at the Penthouse Cinema, Brooklyn.

      The Man from Elysian Fields
      Byron Tiller is a writer. His first opus sold modestly but generated
      some kind reviews, sufficient encouragement to convince him that
      he was only a manuscript away from fame and fortune. Now, Bryon
      is approaching rock bottom. His adoring wive Dena still believes in
      him, his young son adores him, but he can barely pay the family’s
      bills. When his latest manuscript is rejected, Byron turns to
      desperate measures.

      “A truly, truly great movie… …poetic, moody camera work…an
      elegant film with often surprising twists and an intermingling of
      naivete and sophistication, bolstered by a dream cast.”
      Kevin Thomas, LA Times

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