Makara Peak planting party

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    • #12205 Reply

      Makara Peak is 5 years old!

      To help celebrate, we’ll be having a barbecue at the planting this Sunday. There’ll even be some beer and cake (and some chocolate biscuits of course).

      The planting will be around the Upper Leaping Lizard track – stuff like ngaio and flax near the track to provide shelter and keep the gorse at bay; and rata, totara, and rimu lower down to re-establish some of the missing species that are an integral part of a healthy New Zealand forest.

      Meet at 10am at the Sth Karori Rd carpark and then riding or walking in from there (although there will be a few seats available in the 4WD taking the lunch in). Tools and gloves are provided

      See you all there


    • #16392 Reply
      David Scotland

      Gudday Andrew.
      I am also doing some work at Makara peak during the week.
      If I can give you a hand with anything or set stuff up for weekend activities just let me know



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