Mitre Peak

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    • #13811 Reply

      Hi there. I was hoping someone could tell me about climbing Mitre Peak in winter. How long does it take? What’s the best route? Any info much appreciated! Thanks for your time.

    • #17515 Reply
      Allan Mac

      Which Mitre Peak? The one on Ruapehu, in the Tararuas, isn’t there a Mitre Peak in the Kaikouras, or the one in Fiordland?

    • #17516 Reply

      I can help with the INland Kaikouras one (very near Tapaeonuku and Alarm), although we didn’t quite make it to the top ..

    • #17518 Reply

      Sorry! I meant to say Mitre Peak in the Tararuas! Thanks

    • #17520 Reply

      Its a reasonably straightforward walk from Mitre Flats Hut. Makes a nice return day trip from the hut. Unless there is a lot of snow its just a matter of following the well worn track. If there is a lot of snow, travel with someone with some alpine experience and an iceaxe might be handy. Its not really a climb as such, more of a tramping route.

      Check with DoC if the bridge near the hut is still there, I think it got hit by the storms some time ago.

    • #17522 Reply
      Access to Mitre Flat bridge

      This one points out that there is still no all-weather access over the
      Waingawa River at Mitre Flats, read on…

      Dept of Conservation
      Wairarapa Area

      Number 27/04

      Issued: 21 July 2004

      Valid until further notice

      Important notice to visitors

      New Mitre Flats Bridge Construction Work

      Construction work on a new Mitre Flats Bridge,

      grid reference (S26 191 387), will begin on 21 July 2004. Construction
      should be completed by the end of September 2004. Machinery will be in
      operation at the new bridge site. Please exercise caution when in the
      area of Mitre Flats Hut/South Mitre Stream.

      The old bridge has been removed and until the new bridge is complete
      there remains no ?all weather access? across the Waingawa River into and
      out of the Mitre Flats hut area.

      Please also note that three construction workers will be using Mitre
      Flats Hut for accommodation and for storage of their equipment.

      For further information please contact: Derrick Field, Area Manager,
      Wairarapa Area Office, Masterton. Ph. (06) 377 0700



    • #17963 Reply

      Hi there. Can anyone give the details for climbing Mitre Peak (Fiordland). I am planning a climb in the near future and any information would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Mark.

    • #18012 Reply

      does anybody know if there is a company that gives a
      ride over the milford sound to the fo of mitre peak?

    • #18032 Reply

      Hi there. Can anyone give the details Mitre Peak {Tararua Forest Park}. I am planning a one day trip in July and any information would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Miroslav.

    • #18067 Reply

      I thought the owner of mitre peak (because apparently its owned privately) had put a restriction on who climbs it now because the last climbers got into trouble and needed to be airlifted out

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