Mountain House update

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      Over the weekend two successful parties competed to disturb the natural peace and quiet of the Gentle Annie track. Gerard and half a dozen helpers got the new shelter almost completely finished along with the toilet and water tank. Just a few finishing touches including benches to go in this weekend coming. The roof was on just in time for Saturday night’s rain. John’s dunny hole digging received the DoC seal of approval but really John was just interested in finding the next sign of insipient foliation in the substrate.

      Meanwhile another 10 clubbies were set loose on Mountain House Hut under the close eye of Stuart (or was Buncks really in charge?). By 3pm on Saturday all the framework of the hut had been levelled. By Sunday everything except half the floor had been dismantled and packed up for either flying out or burning. Despite some dubious professional advice from Buncks the framework came down without incident – although reflexes were well tested on at least 2 occasions. The real toll was on the tools with at least 3 sledgehammers succumbing to the resilient skeleton of the old hut.

      Great achievement for the club and it was good to be involved.

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