MSC river crossing course – 28 March $35 – still spaces

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    • #15000 Reply
      marie henderson

      MSC wellington have a course on Sunday 28th March at just $35. I just called them today and they still have spaces. One day, $35 only and you’ll be much much much better equipped to make rational decisions when faced with one of the backcountrys biggest killers.

      The MSC instructors are fantastic (I have done the course twice now and been thrilled with the instructors both times). The course combines theory and practical. They won’t force you to do anything though that you aren’t happy about, but everyone gets to learn lots of useful stuff. This is a course for all tramping grades and skill levels. Guys who have been tramping for 20 years or more still get something out of it!

      I think it is essential training for anyone who thinks they may have to cross a backcountry river. I also found it great fun. These guys take it seriously in the nicest possible way!

      Jenny Beaumont (membership officer) has also done the course recently and can also give feedback.

      On the down side the MSC website is a little tricky to navigate: Go to
      and put in wellington and bushcraft and it will be in the list. I also have cut and paste details below.


      This course is aimed at all who may travel in or across river or stream beds while travelling in the NZ outdoors. It will suit those who are looking for entry-level instruction.

      Participants must be fit to travel 4+ hours across a rough surface (boulder riverbed) with a full pack
      Be 18 years of age (or younger if their attendance is agreed to by a guardian).

      Learning outcomes: On completion, the participant will:
      * Be able to understand basic river dynamics and hazards.
      * Know the basic safety rules for assessing whether it is safe to cross a river or stream.
      * Know that it is often right to choose not to cross.
      * Be able to pick where it is safest to cross.
      * Be able to organise clothing and equipment for travel/river crossing.
      * Be able to use an approved method for solo crossing (if alone)
      * Be able to use an approved mutual support method.
      * Know how to float and recover if swept away
      * Know how to self-release from a trapped pack.
      * Know how to safely retreat during a crossing if necessary.

      Assessment: The course does not have a formal assessment, but the participants will receive a certificate of attendance.
      Instructor qualifications: Bush 1 or above.

      Contact: Jane Hoedemaeckers
      Mail: PO Box 5031, Wellington 6145
      Phone: +64 4 383 7896


      …and if you survived this far – well I must have a bridge around here I could sell you!


    • #18292 Reply

      Not to mention that recommended methods of crossing rivers still seem to change every few years as research and feedback continues. Don’t be surprised if you’ve done one of these in the past and you still learn something completely new.

      There seem to be some radically different and contradictory methods of crossing rivers, and it often depends on either when and where someone learned, or who they learned from (and when that person learned).

    • #18293 Reply
      Jenny Beaumont

      I agree with Marie – this is an excellent course and I think the vast majority of club members would benefit from attending – especially those who are leading/participating in club trips where there may be rivers to cross.

      Please consider attending one of these courses – even if you’ve crossed many hundreds of rivers in the past. It never does any harm to refresh your skills – and to hear/learn what the latest recommended techniques are.

      Now is a great time of year to do this too – there is a big practical component to this course and the river water is as warm as it ever gets!


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