Mystery ALP1 Trip to Christchurch Sept

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      For all those interested in exploring lands anew – I am organising a mystery trip to the South Island in September. The destination will be weather dependant but will probably be somewhere near or south of Arthurs Pass and will be graded Medium Alp 1. The date will be the weekend 19/20th.

      This will involve a flight to Christchurch Friday evening, and a return flight early Monday morning in time to get to work. The sooner the flights are booked the cheaper they will be.

      At the moment the going rate is $55, plus $8 for your pack, each way (non-refundable). This is with Pacific Blue. However, this will gradually increase, therefore if folk want to come they should book their flights soon.

      So – if you are interested in going on the trip first contact either Jackie or Tony Gazley for details and then book yourself some flights.

      There will be some other costs for this trip like share of hire car costs and accomodation Sunday night but we will keep the costs as low as possible. Probably won’t cost much more than a club trip south using the ferry.


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