Nature Awareness/ Basic Survival July 16-18

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      Steve Kohler

      Steve Porteous, who will be running the course, has asked me to post the following info for those of you who are thinking of signing up:

      “This is a weekend learning about survival, not about a survival kit
      of equipment but gathering knowledge you can turn to wisdom and have
      with you always in your head (it’s not often we put our heads down to
      wander off trail).

      We will explore safe water gathering, natural water filtering,
      discover what it takes to make fire with lighters, matches, magnesium
      flint, flintstone, and rubbing two sticks together. Find shelters and
      make shelters that will keep you dry and warm. Slow down to natures
      pace and see what we’ve been missing. Gather a medicinal wild
      first-aid kit and taste the trees and plants around us for food.

      This class runs from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon and the cost
      is $135(WTMC price). This includes all meals from Friday dinner to
      Sunday lunch (all organic ingredients).

      Human Interactive Nature School is based up the Otaki Gorge on four
      acres overlooking and wandering down to the Otaki river.

      For more insights go to And please, any queries
      what-so-ever give Steve Porteous a call on 06-364 3337, he is more
      than happy to talk.”

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