New members’ night – 11 February 2009 – helpers wanted

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    • #14741 Reply
      Amanda Wells

      Next year’s new members’ night will be on Wednesday 11 Feb. At the moment I’m collecting a list of names of club people willing to help out. Basically there’s a bit of an introduction and a slideshow, then people get the chance to chat and ask questions of club members at tables representing the different activities we run. If you’ll be around then and can look friendly and answer a few questions, please drop me an email at and I’ll add you to the list.

    • #18084 Reply


      As an interested potential new member – may I come along to one of your Wednesday club nights before the 11th of Feb? How soon are newbies allowed to stop by after the Christmas period?

      Thanking you.

      Niamh (pronounced Neev).

    • #18085 Reply
      Mike McGavin

      Hi Niamh.

      Just show up to any club meeting if you’re interested (14th Jan is probably the earliest night when there’ll be something on). We frequently have people at meetings who aren’t members, and chances are there will be at least 3 or 4 people there for the first time on any given night.

      The new member’s night is just a thing where extra effort is put into getting new people to come along all at once and there will generally be some kind of fancy presentation about what the club does and lots of people who can answer questions. You should be able to find out everything you need if you show up before that night, however, plus you’ll be able to put your name down for trips without waiting as long.

      At any meeting, there should usually be someone standing next to the door who can answer any questions you might have, although generally you can ask anyone at the meeting about how things work. There’s a $1 door charge at meetings to help cover things like hiring use of the meeting room as well as some light snacks, but it doesn’t apply for people showing up for the first time.

      I think this Wednesday 7th Jan is simply a gear-collection night, so there’s not a lot on except for people who need to collect bits n’ pieces for the following weekend, but things should be going more properly from 14th January. See for more details.


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