New Mitre Flats Bridge Construction Work

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    • #12471 Reply
      Chief Guide

      Just thru from DoC….

      Important notice to visitors

      New Mitre Flats Bridge Construction Work

      Construction work on a new Mitre Flats Bridge,
      grid reference (S26 191 387), will begin on 21 July 2004. Construction should be completed by the end of September 2004. Machinery will be in operation at the new bridge site. Please exercise caution when in the area of Mitre Flats Hut/South Mitre Stream.

      The old bridge has been removed and until the new bridge is complete there remains no ?all weather access? across the Waingawa River into and out of the Mitre Flats hut area.

      Please also note that three construction workers will be using Mitre Flats Hut for accommodation and for storage of their equipment.

      For further information please contact: Derrick Field, Area Manager, Wairarapa Area Office, Masterton. Ph. (06) 377 0700

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