New Trip Schedule – last call!

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    • #12371 Reply
      Andrew Chisholm

      On the coming Monday we’ll put together the new trip schedule.

      So far I’ve received suggestions from a couple of people, so without more input it might be a very dull schedule!

      If you’ve got any suggestions for trips for the period May – August please email them to me, or turn up at the planning meeting:
      Mon 15 March, 7:30pm
      21 Dorking Road
      Ph 389 0555

      We need plenty of ideas for trips – both old favourites or novel new routes that you’d love to do. Winter could be a great time to visit Nelson Lakes – no wasps and plenty of climbing opportunities. Should we have a few 3-day trips down there? Should we have some theme weekends? Since we’re being denied a long ANZAC weekend this year, is there more interest in taking a whole week to head somewhere down south?

      Please let me know if you’re coming or you’ve got any suggestions by email.


    • #16523 Reply
      Allan Mac

      Hi Andrew, here are a few ideas:
      How about some more Central North Island/volcanic plateau trips? There’s the pirennial Umukarikari – Waipakihi in the Kaimanawas for the mediums, plus some exploring beyond for the fits/FEs. Camping in the river valley for the Easy trampers.


      how about a few trips based around the northern circuit on Tongariro, perhaps including an ascent of Ngauruhoe in the snow? Snow caving on Tongariro? Tongariro Crossing for the Easys with a night at Ketetahi. Or Desert Road to Mangetepopo via Orere (I think) Hut. Perhaps do that post AIC?

      Of course, you might get some of us Auckland based WTMCers along.

      Kayaking on Taupo…

      Bit of a stretch for you Wellingtonians, but kayaking on Lake Tarawera is quite good, as well as Orakei-Korako (sp?) on the Waikato River. Think hot pools.

      These have all been done by the club over the years, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do them again.


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