No promotions officer – but need door manned

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    • #12390 Reply
      Lee-Ann – Promotions officer

      Unfortunately our pleas ( and even mention of some names) has not resulted in any of these or other members coming forward to be the promotions officer on the committee of our VOLUNTARY organisation.

      Unfortunately this is a role which is vital – one of the responsiblities in ensuring the door is managed. We can have 10 new people arriving each club night and they need to be greeted and have at least 5-8 mintues spent with them explaining how we are organised, how trips are run and generally being a welcoming face who is interested in what they do and why they’d love to join our club.

      We would hope we can keep them on so in turn in a few months they can help with the club…

      Unlike other unfilled positions where we could make a decision to cut back and just concentrate on leading trips, we cant here as we need to attract new members – we cant close the doors if members want to continue to enjoy the trips we run and at the cost we run them at (only due to active membership and new people/non members!)

      In order to see the door manned over the next 3-4 months in the absence of a promos officer – could you please consider if you could assist? I have an info sheet on what you need to talk to them about. A rooster will be at club over the next week or two if you could pop your name down for a few slots. We have a copule of people who tirelessy look after the door really well but it would be nice to have some extra/new faces and help to share the load.

    • #16544 Reply
      suzanne holmes

      Hi Leanne,

      Count me in to help with the door. I haven’t been at club last 8 weeks due to a night-course and won’t be there till after Easter, but please put my name down for three/four spare Wednesday slots over the next few months (after 20th April) preferably with someone who knows the drill.

      In saying that, had my name down to help mann the door this Wednesday 7th April, (thinking my course would be finished, but have just found out it has been extended a week longer). Would you mind swapping me with someone else, or give me some names/phone numbers I could ask myself. Also open to offer by other readers.


      801 6644 wk
      384 8111 hm

    • #16545 Reply
      Lee-Ann – Promotions officer

      Thanks Suzanne.
      No problem about the door this week..its an AGM …Katja Reidel will be managing the door from the AGM onwards and will distribute a final roster. I’ll pop you on a few dates and email you. you can change on the roster when you get back and liaise with Katja on a Wednesday night
      We look forward to your return!

      More smiley helpful people required….see Lee-Ann or Katja

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