no wrestling, especially in the presence of ladies

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      Zona the horse sitter

      In light of our grand opening of Mountain House Shelter here are some rules of the original Mountain House published in the Wairarapa Daily Times 1907! ( one of many gems that Gareth Winter of the Wairarapa Archives has passed my way!)

      Guests and members of the grand opening are to abide by similar rules (well some of them – ladies we have at least one half of the shelter!)!!!!

      GET YOUR NAME TO ERIC BLUMHART asap to confirm your attendance ( so her can organise numbers, food and transport)

      1) Every adult is epected to contribute not less than 1 shilling towards the funds for the upkeep of track and house…..
      2)No visitors will be allowed to occupy the house for more than 2 nights in succession to the exlcusion of others
      3) Visitors are required to exercise SCRUPULOUS cleaniness in the house (remove the rubbish)…
      4) Visitors are required to take every care not to damage the house or internal fittings..No rough skylarking or wrestling will be permitted!
      5) Visitors are forbidden to light fires in and around the house (except in the fireplace)
      6)1 bedroom to be reserved for ladies only when lady visitors are present
      7) Visitors are forbidden to carve names on house or furniture
      8) Report to the caretaker any irregularities or misconduct or infractions of these regulations!

      ..and then there was Ms Zona Vallance who was a “plucky little horse woman” who was accorded the creditable distinction in 1909 of being the first lady to reach Mt Holdsworth on horseback..only dismounted 3 times,and the horse only fell a distance of 100 feet, turned 3 time but lived!!

      …..Anyone wishing to recreate history and wants to horse around and dress up as a horse I am happy to play Zona…promise I wont wear spurs!

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