NZTopoOnline – Web Site Testing

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    • #12017 Reply
      Stephen Patience

      Hi all,

      It’s been a long time coming and Land Information Information NZ (LINZ) is now making its NZ Topo Online website open for user testing. I’ve just come back from a presentation on this and it’s absolutely awesome for those planning a trip.

      This means that 1:50,000 topographical maps will be available online, for free! No more buying them at the shop. You’ll be able to go online and print parts of maps in colour of the area where you intend to go…. no more bulky maps in your pack! This is available for trampers (and other outdoor enthusiasts) and it has more functionality than you can poke a stick at.

      LINZ has opened this up to the public for testing and they welcome your (positive) feedback. It will go live around mid 2003.

      If you’re interested (Don, Simon, Ray, Shane et al) please e-mail me and I’ll provide you with the URL and password.

      I’m off now to have a play.

      Stephen Patience
      – former WT&MC Webmaster

    • #16320 Reply
      Sunil Unka

      Dear Stephen

      I am an avid tramper and was interested in the new online topographic map access sytem being put up on the net by LINZ.

      I was endevouring to find out whther or not I could try this great new utility and give some feeed abck back to LINZ on it.


      Sunil Unka

    • #16321 Reply
      Stephen Patience

      Hi Sunil

      The new NZTopoOnline site has been launched and is now live.

      You should be able to link to NZTopoOnline from the LINZ homepage here at

      Let me know if you have any problems.


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