One day sewing workshop – make your own fly

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    • #15050 Reply
      Steve Kohler

      I’m trying to guage interest at the moment for this idea. If there are a maximum of 4 people we can get a free venue. Here’s my blurb:

      Make Your Own One-person Fly
      One Day Sewing Workshop
      (date to be firmed up but soon)
      Participants must have some sewing machine ability.
      Cost per person (ball park figure $60-$80) will be for materials and venue hire only.

      Numbers will be limited because of pre-purchase of materials by me, but more people can come just to watch, or provide sewing tuition. You can choose any colour whatsoever provided it’s olive – sorry.
      * Based on a proven design (proven by me), using 1100mm proofed nylon taffeta
      * Weighs 400 grams finished
      * no seam through roof as it comes off roll of cloth 1500mm wide
      Materials comprise:
      o proofed cloth
      o nylon cord
      o strengthening tape
      o strong sewing thread
      o parka nylon for stuff bags
      o drawstring toggle

    • #18322 Reply

      Hi Steve,
      You convinced us: we are in! I’d love to make a fly and will bring Mika along to demonstrate the working of the sewing machine. Hope it’s okay if I opt for an olive coloured one?
      Hans Wiskerke

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