Only one place left for Kayak trip to Queen Charlotte Sound – 17th-19th Jan 09

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    • #14743 Reply
      Anthony Mulick


      We are still looking for one more person to come on this trip. We currently have 10 adventurers but could do with another one to make the numbers work better.

      The idea is to do a one way trip down the majority of Queen Charlotte Sound and visit some of the islands, coves, bays and beaches along the way. The trip is rated easy/medium but possibly a bit more medium than easy given that we are starting towards the outer part of the sound. If you have done an overnight kayak trip like the Abel Tasman and want to try another then this could be the trip for you.

      The trip will be over the 3 days of Anniversary Weekend 17-19th Jan 09, leaving Friday night (16th) and costs $267 for members and $282 for non-members. This price includes the return interislander ferry ticket, the water taxi out to Ship Cove ($55), accommodation in Picton on the Friday night ($22), and hire
      of the kayaks and paddling gear ($110), (note: tandem kayaks will be used).

      If you are still looking for something to do on this long weekend then please drop me a line.

      Cheers, Anthony.

    • #18077 Reply

      Hi, I’m wondering what kind of experience is required for this tour? I’ve never been tramping before and have been looking for a place to start. I will need help with gears as well. If this is something for beginners, please let me know.



    • #18078 Reply
      Mike Dowds

      Hi there. This looks great! I have done a bit of tramping and kayaking before and would love to be involved in this.

      Let me know when you need to know by Anthony.

      Cheers, Mike

    • #18079 Reply
      Anthony Mulick

      UPDATE- Sorry but the last place on this has been now taken. I am happy to put people on a reserve list in case someone has to pull out.

    • #18080 Reply

      I’d like to go on the reserve list please, thanks

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