Orongorongo Water Collection Area walk.

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    • #12528 Reply
      chief guide

      We need numbers for the Oct 17th walk TODAY please so we can confirm the trip.

      Date – 17 Oct (sunday)
      no cost to do the walk, petrol $ to the driver only (car pool)

      There is a second opportunity on 28 Nov (sunday) if you would like to go but cant make the Oct walk.

      a minimum of 5 people are needed for the walks to run as it is into an area normally closed to the public. See earlier posting for more details.

      If you are interested in either date please contact me asap.


    • #16671 Reply
      chief guide

      This sundays trip canceled coz of not enough numbers.

      Trip on 29th Nov still on but need to confirm numbers after club meeting on Nov 10th – so far 4 people are interested in the walk on this date.

      Let me know if you are interested & want your name added to the list.

      If you want to come along but can’t make that date there is another opportunity which will be on the trip schedule for Feb next year (the origional date we got allocated as a result of the ballot system).


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