Otaki Forks Damage – Wow!

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    • #12585 Reply


      I got an email posting from DOC today with some photos of the damage at OTAKI forks. I knew about the damage to the bridge at the forks (- gone) but didn’t realise the damage to the Otaki Gorge Road.

      (I’m glad I wasn’t in a tent on Atkinson!)

      See photos below and media release.

      I also have some other photos (Picture credits Wayne Boness of DOC) here:

      road damage
      more road damage


      6 January 2005

      Otaki Forks bridge gone with the current

      Heavy rainfall overnight has washed out the Waiotauru suspension bridge at the main entrance from Otaki Forks, potentially trapping people in the Tararua Forest Park. Suspected to have been hit by a tree, the timber deck bridge and towers have been washed down river. With the Otaki Gorge Road closed due to flooding, vehicle access to the area is temporarily impossible.

      ?There is no access to the majority of the tracks that start from Otaki Forks to the interior of the park and no exit for people coming from the Wairarapa side of the ranges?, reports DOC Programme Manager, Wayne Boness. ?With the river being high, there is no safe river crossing either?. 255 millimetres of rain was recorded at the caretaker?s residence overnight, with 172mm falling between 7pm last night and 7am this morning.

      People intending to exit at Otaki Forks can stay in the Parawai Lodge on the other side of the bridge but people who are planning trips, either entering or exiting at Otaki Forks, will need to reconsider. The Department of Conservation strongly urges people not to try crossing the river in its flooded state.

      While the weather forecast is not helping, Mr Boness says ?we?ll be looking at our options for the short and long term as soon as we can get access to the area. In the meantime, we will put signage at the road ends?. If anyone finds any other damage or notices any visitor safety issues, please contact 0800 999 005, with an accurate description of the location and problem.

      For more information please contact Wayne Boness, 027 628 9240 or at the Kapiti Area Office, 04 296 1112.

    • #16706 Reply
      Simon Ward

      What a mess! Given the instability along other stretches of the road, I suspect that Otaki Forks may cease to be a viable road end in the near future unless significant work is undertaken. This would be a shame. Maybe a spot of lobbying of DoC and the local council may be needed.

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