pack for sale/hire/loan?

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    • #15203 Reply
      Cramer Peterson

      Hey guys,

      New to the club and went on my first trip last weekend and loved it! Though the pack I have worked great, its about a 50L and was a bit of a squeeze to fit everything in. Having something around 65L would be ideal and give me a little extra room. So if anyone has just got a new pack and have an old one they are willing to sell or willing to hire out for a few months I promise to give it a good life and put some miles on it. I’m in new zealand until the very end of June and plan to do a lot of trips through WMTC as well as a few on my own so it would be put to good use. I’m a student on a budget so I’m not looking for anything outrageous.

      please post or email me if you have anything to offer!
      -I’ll also be at the meetings wednesday nights (the tall skinny american kid)

      thanks guys!

      -Cramer Peterson

    • #18407 Reply


      for info, the gear room has a couple of old ish but decent packs that are usuable for trips and your welcome to hire them for trips over the coming months. I suspect they should also match your budget expectations as well! Personally 50L should be fine for a weekend trip but most sensible trampers carry a slightly larger pack


      pete (the short & not so skinny englishman)

      ps do you have my pegs from last weekend?!

    • #18408 Reply

      Hi Cramer,

      I’ve got a spare bladder (a water holding vessel with tube – not a rare and complex physiological complaint) you could borrow for the next few months if you want too. On condition that you take lots of cool photos of it wherever you go. I could bring it along to club next Wednesday if you want.



    • #18413 Reply

      Happy to lend you my 65Lt pack (so long as I’m not out in the bush) Call 0210 575 282

      Richard standard size Kiwi

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