Paua Tramping Club

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    • #14083 Reply
      Grant Newton

      The old Paua Tramping Club, upon folding, handed over their hut in the Orongorongo Valley to the WT&MC.

      Apparantly there has a framed document with the list of the signatures of the old Paua TC hanging in Paua Hut. Does anyone know of the whereabouts of this?


    • #18415 Reply
      David & Julia Forsyth

      Hi Grant,
      My parents Allen and Vida (nee Ross) Forsyth, Norman and Phyllis (nee Ross) Picton,
      Ted Holland and many other people we know of were stalwarts in the Paua Tramping Club in the early 1930s.
      I have many recollections of my parents stories of tramping in the Orongarongas and we have several
      old tramping photos taken of Paua Club tramping groups about that era.
      At my parents wedding the Paua Tramping Club Members formed a guard of honour archway out of the
      church from tree fern palm fronds.

      If any of these pics are of interest for your archives we would be happy to scan some pics and email them to you.


      David & Julia Forsyth

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