Personal Locator Beacons available in Gear Room from tonight (October 21st)

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    • #14919 Reply
      Darren Hammond

      The Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) that the club recently purchased will be available in the Gear Room from tonight (October 21st).

      There is no charge for using the PLBs for club trips, but there is a conditions of use sheet, which you must read before taking a beacon.

      If you take a PLB, you MUST advise the Weekend Contact Person of your intentions and emergency contacts, plus which PLB you have. (They are labelled A, B and C).

      The PLBs MUST be returned before 7.45pm the following Wed, so that other club groups can use them.

      If the PLBs are not in use by club trips, private trips by club members can use the beacons, please check with the Chief Guide first before going to the Gear Room. There will be a $20 deposit which is refundable as long as you return the beacon before 7.45 the following Wed. You must also advise the Weekend Contact Person of your intentions.

      Thanks to all the people who have helped us to get to this point with the PLBs, I sincerely hope that the club never has to activate a beacon in an emergency, but if we do, then this purchase will be proven to have been worthwhile.

      As there are more than 3 trips going out this weekend, can trip leaders please check if someone in your party has their own PLB they are willing to use. If not, can you speak to the other trip leaders to sort out who needs a club PLB and who does not. The Chief Guide can help make a final decision.

      Any questions on this, please contact me



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