Petrol & Diesel prices

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    • #13574 Reply
      Beth & Kevin Griffiths

      If you are traveling to the centre of the North Island, fill up at Turangi, Taupo, or Waiouru where the price of 91 is $1.08.9. Price at National Park is $1.11.9 and Ohakune it is up to $1.14.9 Diesel is up as well by the same margin, there is no competition in these two towns.

    • #17293 Reply
      Judy Gardner

      And if you make it to Rotorua regular 91 petrol is $1.05 plus discounts with Pak and Save coupons at their petro self service station.

    • #17297 Reply
      david scotland

      bloody petrol heads, why don,t you just sniff glue, its more refined and you can get it from your local dairy (why would you want to travel halfway up the island for an inferior product)

    • #17299 Reply
      Judy Gardner

      Pete and I live in Rotorua and Kevin lives in Turangi. Does it make a little more sense now , David?

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