Photo Competetition Organiser Needed

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    • #12272 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd


      I was planning on having the annual photo competition on Wednesday 12 November.

      I need somebody to help organise and promote this night.

      Tasks involved are:

      (1) Organise a judge.
      (2) Decide the rules and subject categories (ie photos in last 12 months in subjects such as landscape, people and places, flora and fauna, action, wierd and out there etc).
      (3) Promote at club nights and maybe make a poster.
      (4) Twist the arms of the usual suspects to submit entries.
      (5) Be the MC on the night.

      Unfortuneatly yours truely will be in Australia that week plus I can not find the time at present to organise this properly and I don’t like doing things slap-dash. I have too many other things in my life at present as well as organising the other Wednesday nights.

      If you feel that 12 November is too soon I could move to 19 November, if that would help.

      Maybe form a group of two or three to organise it.

      Waiting with baited breath,

    • #16439 Reply
      Steve Kohler


      Given that I am not offically a club member yet but have tramped with the club over the past 2 years…….I would like to humbly offer a helping hand in some appropriate manner.

      Maybe i could help with some of the sundry tasks like purchasing prizes. I also can think of someone I know who could be a judge…..she is a professional photographer who used to own a Wellington photolibrary.

      The judging format of the last photo competition was probably hectic to implement as it involved furiously counting votes before people left the hall….but was very democratic in as it was done by votes rather than by a single judge.

      So any sundry tasks….will be willing to be involved (wouldn’t be any good as an MC).

      Steve Kohler

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