Photography Workshop (Lodge) ***new dates 15th-17th March***

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      Hi everyone

      I’m running a photography workshop at the Club Lodge next month. Please note the new dates (moved forward one week).

      The workshop will be aimed at complete beginners upwards. You do no need any special equipment apart from your camera and usual tramping gear.

      The workshop will be a combination of outdoor shooting sessions and indoor learning. There will also be a slide show Saturday Night.

      If you are a beginner you will get a lot out of the workshop and will come away inspired! Old hands are also welcome and will have an opportuntiy to get some good shots and share their ideas.

      If you take any great shots over the weekend you will also be able to enter them in this year’s photo competition as the deadline will now be a few days after the workshop!

      The sign up sheet will go up next Wednesday at Club, or you can email me and I will sign you up. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions!


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