Photos – time range

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    • #15180 Reply
      Steve Kohler

      Do photos in the competition need to have been taken since the last WTMC photo competition (I presume Nov 2009) or in the 12 months leading up to Feb 9 2011?

      Clarification gratefully received.

    • #18395 Reply
      Steve Austin

      Eligible photos are those taken from 1 December 2009 to 9 February 2011

      & for those interested in further details/rules re the FMC photo competition please refer the below link;

      It would be great to have members from the WTMC win at the FMC level so take care when selecting your entries for the WTMC competition.

      Good luck!


    • #18397 Reply
      Darren Hammond

      Further clarification –

      As the FMC photo comp allows a longer time range (from 1 Jan 2008), this date will also apply to our competition, as our winning photos will be entered in the FMC Competition

    • #18398 Reply
      rini sugianto


      i’m a newbie in this forum.. where can i get more information about the wtmc photo competition?


    • #18399 Reply
      Mike G

      Hi Rini, we’ve conveniently put all of the photo competition info on the front page of the website. Here it is reproduced:

      Photo Competition – March 2nd

      While you are enjoying your summer holidays wherever you may be, don’t forget the club’s photo competition, which will be held on Wednesday March 2nd, 2011

      The deadline for submitting photos will be Wednesday February 9th, 2011

      Categories are as follows:

      Above bushline
      Below bushline
      Hut or camp life
      Native flora or fauna
      Outdoor landscapes
      (NB can’t have any people in photos in the last two categories.)

      Maximum 2 entries per person per category.

      Naming of the photos – Category_identifier_name.jpg (remove spaces between words in category name, identifier being either 1 or 2 for the 2 photos allowed per person per category, name being surname then first initial with no spaces). eg outdoorlandscapes_1_hammondd.jpg

      Format of photos – CD or flash drive, CDs will not be returned, flash drives will need to be labelled if you want them back. Hand into Donna or a committee member at club night, or post to WTMC 2010 Photo Competition, PO Box 5068, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145

      The winning pics from each category will be entered into the FMC competition (except for Water as they don’t have that category).

      Photos must have been taken since 1 January 2008 by a member of the club and may not have won awards in any other photographic competition.

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