Preservation Inlet trip 8 – 14 December, spaces available

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    • #14699 Reply
      Don Goodhue

      There are spaces on the December trip to Presevation Inlet in Fiordland to do conservation work on Coal Island and around the inlet. Fly in from Tuatapere 8 December and out to Tuatapere 13 or 14 December. Spend 1 day on Coal Island and 3 days tramping from Kisbee Lodge to Puysegur Point and back. Cost ex Tuatapere is $650 per person to cover flying and food. If you are interested or know of anyone who might be, drop me a line. The next trip that there is space for club members is May 2009.

      Allen Higgins has just returned from the last trip and can give anyone interested a good idea of what is involved

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