Project K

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      If anybody is thinking about doing some voluntary work, I can highly recommend Project K.
      Project K pairs 15 year olds with low self-esteem with an adult mentor for 12 months. The adult mentor (you) builds the students self-esteem, helps set goals and generally provides a listening ear. The students go through a wilderness adventure and a community challenge before being paired with a mentor.
      The committment from mentors is to undergo 2 weekends of training, monthly mentor meetings plus (most importantly) fortnightly contact with your student with a phone call inbetween.
      I’m really enjoying working with my student – it’s challenging in the most positive senseand thoroughly enjoyable. We’ve just done very simple things like visit the library, go for coffee, go on a bike ride, bake a cake etc
      So, if anyone is looking to positively contribute to their community, come and talk to me about it at club, email me or pick up a pamphlet from the notice board at club.

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