Public access to private land and the Queens chain

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    • #12231 Reply
      Wayne Stevens

      Hi all

      No doubt many of you would have heard in the media the issue over access to private lands and the concerns about the Queens chain.

      Yesterday the Land Access Reference Group Report was released publically and has caused quite a stir in the media.

      Below is a link to a page where this report can be located (click onto the link on this page and it will take you to the report)

      I would be interested in any views of club members on this report. There is a 4 month consultation period where Govt is seeking views of the public about land access.

      I havent yet read this whole report, but i think as a club we should certainly make our views known to the Govt about land access. One thing we could supply is some stories about where club members have run into problems accessing the conservation estate or beaches due to opposition from land owners etc (i can think of a few times ive personnally run into problems)

      Wayne Stevens

    • #16415 Reply
      Geoff Keey

      The government will come in for a lot of heat on this one. If we want access to be improved, we’ll have to stand up and be counted.



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