R.I.P. club calendar

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    • #13577 Reply
      Katja Riedel

      After stirring up everybody about the club calendar in the last few weeks we have to announce the death of the calendar project. In a meeting last week the tramping club committee decided, that it is not prepared to bear the risk that is associated with the production of a calendar. The project has been cancelled. This was not the scenario we thought when we commenced the project. We are as disappointed as you are.

      All the best
      Sharyn and Katja

    • #17295 Reply
      Steve Kohler

      Now that the submissions are all together in one place is there some lesser project they could be used for? Maybe as an appendix in the next club journal or whatever?

    • #17296 Reply

      Or how about some nice wallpaper or screensaver downloads for all of the geeks?
      Shane :-)

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