Reminder – check weather and snow conditions before heading into the hills

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    • #14664 Reply
      sharron came

      At the moment a number of areas popular with trampers have more snow than usual, for example the Tararuas, the Seaward and Inland Kaikouras and Nelson Lake NP.

      Lots of snow combined with a lack of time between snowfalls for consolidation combined with less than flat terrain poses avalanche risks.

      If you are heading into the hills dont forget to check out and take account of weather forecasts, avalanche advisories and information made available by the Department of Conservation.

      Sometimes we need to modify our plans to match expected conditions and the equipment we have available along with the skills and experience of our team.

      Sometimes the best option is actually to stay at home, watch the Olympics, walk the dog, and wait for conditions to improve…

    • #18039 Reply
      sharron came

      DoC has issued an avalanche warning for Tongariro National Park, particularly the Tongariro Alpine Crossing.

      The avalanche advisory website is

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