Reminder – submissions about backcountry hut building standards

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    • #14627 Reply
      Mike McGavin

      Hi everyone.

      I just wanted to post a reminder that there’s still an opportunity to make submissions about the proposed changes to building codes for backcountry huts if you have an interest in doing so. The deadline for submissions is Monday 23rd June, which is Monday week.

      You can find the consultation document at . It’s structured into 10 questions which ask to what degree you support certain proposed amendments, and provide space for comments. The document can be printed out and posted (or faxed), or you can also email your comments. (Instructions are in the document.) Even if you mostly agree with the proposed changes, it’s still a good idea to actually tell them that you agree if it’s something you feel strongly about.

      The current Building Code doesn’t make a clear distinction for Backcountry Huts, which has led to some ambiguities with what’s actually required when DOC maintains and replaces them. It’s also led to some measures that may sometimes seem a little bureaucratically absurd in the context, such as removing the 6th bunk from some 6 bunk huts as an alternative to providing an additional fire exit.

      Having read through them (and made my own submission), the consultation document mostly proposes to add exemptions for Backcountry Huts to several specific clauses in the building code. Clauses covered include those that deal with things like escape routes, artificial lighting (or lack of it), and access for people with disabilities (or lack of it). The proposal also exempts back-country huts from requiring water that’s potable, reasoning that other Building Code clauses not mentioned already require DOC to provide clear signage advising people to treat or boil their water.

      Another proposed amendment also defines what a “Backcountry Hut” is according to the building code, so it may be worth a look and a submission if you feel strongly about these kinds of things.


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