Ruapehu Ripper Ski Mountaineering Challenge

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      Craig Martella

      The Deuter Ruapehu Ripper Ski Mountaineering challenge is coming up again and is set for the 20th September at Turoa Ski Area.
      The course this season is an international standard distance of 3200m total climb and descent over 10km. With course setting by internationally recognised Kiwi’s Grant Guise and Gena Sibaev it should prove to be a real test of endurance, skills and spirit.
      An easier recreational variation is also available for those looking for a more relaxed approach but still wanting to be involved in the thrill of the event.
      The event is open to all ski tourers, telemarkers, split boarders and snow shoe/snow boarders
      Awesome hot food and bar specials will follow at the after party with heaps of great back country gear up for grabs as spot prizes.

      Get to and click on the Ruapehu Ripper link for details.

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