Ruapehu Round the Mountain – Labour Weekend (3 1/2 days)

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    • #14889 Reply
      Helen Law

      HI All,

      It’s Helen Law here.

      I am leading a Medium tramping trip in Tongariro National Park – Ruapehu Round the Mountain – during Labour Weekend of 23-26 October. This trip is going to be a 3 1/2 days.

      Hence we will be departing Wellington Railway Station around noon on Friday 23 October. Also note the approximate walking time of each day : – Friday evening (3 hours), Saturday & Sunday (7-9 hours), Monday (6 hours).

      If you are keen, look out for the sign up sheet which will be on the board soon.

      Any questions, please feel free to send me an email.

      Many thanks,
      Helen Law

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