Sailing Trip

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      Stuart Palmer

      There are a few places left—priority to members—be in quick

      Tongue and Meat?s Charity Sailing Weekend

      8-11 May 2003-03

      In support of Water for Survival


      Marlborough Sounds

      The boats:

      La Ruche 34 foot keeler, 6 berth skipper: Roger
      Cheyenne Chiefton 38, 8 berth skipper: Don
      Syrena Lotus 10.6, 7 berth skipper: Stuart

      The programme:

      Thursday 8 May: 5:30 pm: depart Wellington to Picton on the Interisland Ferry (5:00 pm check-in)

      Thursday night: sleep on board yachts in Waikawa marina, Picton

      Friday ? Sunday: cruise the sounds. The 3 yachts anchor/moor together each night. Sleep on board

      Sunday 11 May: 6:00 pm: depart Picton to Wellington on the Interisland Ferry

      The cost:

      Ferry, yacht charter, Water for Survival donation (receipt supplied): $240 pp

      What to bring:

      – Sleeping bags (couples- sheets and duvets supplied)
      – Warm clothes and wet weather gear (just in case?)
      – White soled shoes (or similar, i.e. shoes that will not mark the deck)
      – Sunscreen and insect repellent
      – Fishing gear (optional)
      – Music tapes (CD?s for La Ruche)
      – Soft bag to put all your gear in (there will be no room for packs on board
      – Food and refreshments: the skippers will let you know later

      What is supplied:

      – Towels (not on La Ruche)
      – Well equipped galley (kitchen) with cooking and eating utensils, gas stove and small oven and fridge
      – Safety equipment

      Water for Survival:

      Water for Survival is a New Zealand voluntary aid organisation raising money to help people in third world countries build and maintain their own water supply and toilet systems. Our sailing trip will raise about $500 for the specific project detailed on the attached sheet. This worthwhile project requires $800 of donations to make it happen. Any additional donations will be gratefully received.

      How to confirm your berth:

      The first 21 club members with their $50 deposit paid are in – see Stuart
      As at 30 March only 8 spaces left. Will open up to non members on 10 April.

      Further information:

      Contact Stuart Palmer – a/h 476 0026
      – e-mail:

      Good Sailing!


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