Save Dorset Ridge Hut!

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    • #12261 Reply

      A real shame to hear that Dorset Ridge hut is once again proposed for removal.
      It is a classic NZFS 6 bunker in a great location- a tussocky ridge in the heart of the Tararuas with great views of Girdletsone and the Kings.
      The hut wasn’t in need of too much maintenance last time I visited.

      I’ll make an online submission to keep the hut. I’d suggest that you do the same here:

      or at least visit the hut in case it goes.

      For those who don’t know, the hut is located just off Dorset Ridge. This ridge heads south from Tarn ridge (turn-off a bit just before Girdlestone) towards Park Forks.

      For Fit or Medium/Fit trampers, reasoably good access to the spur/hutt is available from
      * Tarn Ridge
      * Park Forks (via Nichols or McGregor Spur or Carkeek Ridge)
      * or for the more adventurous via routes direct from South King or from Carkeek Hut.


      Dorset Ridge Hut


      Dorset Ridge looking north east


    • #16431 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      Twice I have scheduled trips to this hut. Once I was sick and the next time work took my out of town.

      But whao, those photos make me just want to go and grab my pack and head out into the hills. And then I look out the window…

      But this &%*$ weather can last forever…

    • #16433 Reply

      I’m trying to find some encouragement from you hardcored-tramper, anyone interested in going Tararua this weekend? Jumbo?


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