Science and the mining debate

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    • #15083 Reply

      This Wednesday 21st July, the Royal Society will be hosting what could be an interesting lecture for people following the current mining issues.

      It’s 6pm at Science House (11 Turnbull Street), so you should still be able to get to the club meeting.


      Wednesday 21 July 6:00pm: Professor Dave Craw, Geology Deptartment, Otago University.

      “Busting the environmental myths; putting science into the mining debate”

      New Zealand is geologically favourable for gold, iron and coal deposits. As an experienced geologist and researcher on the environmental effects of mining, Professor Craw shows how assessing the damaging effects of past mining activity helps with prediction of the effects of modern mining. He argues that, whichever way the mining debate goes, it needs to be informed with real environmental science.

    • #18337 Reply

      Adding to the previous post, here are a couple of instances of Prof. Craw commenting through the media:

      Politics the main barrier to Coromandel mining – expert:

      Geologist challenges ‘keyhole’ mining claims:

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