SEF/CDN Conference Reminder – 19 & 20 November – Wellington

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      Dear ECO
      Woulsd appreciate this being circulated.
      All ECO members are welcome at members rates.
      Sustainable Energy Futures – Think BIG or Think Smart?
      Friday 19th and Saturday 20th November 2004
      Rutherford House, Victoria University, Bunny Street, Wellington

      This conference is jointly organized and promoted by the Sustainable
      Energy Forum, the Energy Management Association, and the Climate Defence

      These NGOs are working together to promote the Sustainable Energy
      Programme of Action for sustainable energy and climate friendly practices in New
      Zealand. Visitors from Sustainable Aotearoa New Zealand will be
      joining the conference for the Friday morning session.

      Friday 19th November
      Registration from 9 am. Conference sessions 10 am to 5 pm.

      Sustainable Development Programme of Action – Sustainable Energy Issues
      * Outline of Government?s proposals – Roger Perkins (MED)
      * Commentary and Discussion for Sustainable Energy Outcomes

      Energy Efficiency papers
      * Auditing, building simulation, M&T trend analysis, and retrofit

      Renewable Energy papers
      * Solar water heating developments (EECA)
      * Home-grown turbine developments (Windflow)
      * Net metering (NZPVA)

      4-30 pm
      * Taupo Clean Energy Centre Development briefing – Rob McEwan
      4-45 pm
      * Wind energy planning issues for NZ ? Mark Ashby (Connell Wagner)
      This new publication will be launched by Hon Marian Hobbs,
      Minister for the Environment.


      Public Lecture (6-30 pm) PUBLIC ARE WELCOME TO THIS FREE SESSION
      “Understanding the Energy Efficiency Resource Base – it’s bigger than
      most people can imagine”
      Alan Pears, Adjunct Professor, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

      Evening: Conference dinner and social.
      Saturday 20th November 7.30 SEF Breakfast and SEF AGM (members)

      Morning (9am):
      Making markets work for distributed energy resources.
      Hugh Outhred, Director, Centre for Energy & Environmental Markets,
      * Commentary and Discussion

      Climate Change Developments
      * Russia Ratifies! What Next for Kyoto? ? J Blakeley
      * Report on International Abrupt Climate Change Workshop ? P Read.
      * Community Responses to Climate Change

      Afternoon: Energy Supply & Energy Use Decisions
      * Regional strategies & community ventures ? Molly Melhuish
      * Scope for energy efficiency uptake to 2050 ? S Goldthorpe
      * Urban Design & Transport Efficiency at Odds ? K Wood

      Two-day conference fees are $150 for members of supporting
      One-day and discount fees for students and unwaged members are
      Proceedings available on CD. Registrations after 15th November extra

      For a detailed conference programme and registration form see
      Or email

      Conference Organiser
      c/o Sustainable Energy Forum
      PO Box 11-152
      New Zealand

      Phone 04 586 2003
      Fax 04 586 2004

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