Sherpa Quiz Night

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    • #15274 Reply
      Gareth Morton

      Sherpa Quiz Night
      Sunday, July 31, 2011, 7:30 PM
      Monteiths Brewery Bar Khandallah
      Ganges Road Khandallah Wellington

      Ever dreamed of Hiking in Nepal?

      Would you like to meet some Sherpa families living in New Zealand and help their village at the same time? Nima and his family lead treks every year back to their village and around Nepal.

      Come and meet him at their fundraisings Quiz night at the Montheiths Brewery. This will raise money to pay the salary for a teacher for the Chebache Village a three days walk from the nearest road.

      Teams of 3-6 people needed. $10.00 per person. Koha Spot prizes through the night. Dinner available for $20.00 from the Brewery.

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