Slide shows or talks required for 2005

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    • #13912 Reply
      Jim Kimber

      I’m looking for slide shows or talks for 2005. I currently have nothing booked up for the new year. So, if you’d like to put on a show, i’d be pleased to hear from you. The first club night of 2005 is Jan 12, but feel free to offer for any Wednesday you like.
      I’ll look forward to a flood of emails…
      Have a great Xmas / New Year break, and don’t forget to take your camera with you if you’re heading out into the hills.

    • #17576 Reply
      Jim Kimber

      Hi there.
      I’m still looking for slide shows…
      At the moment, January 12 will be a social night, a chance for club members to swap tales of rain, snow, hail and other types of glorious New Zealand summer weather that they encountered over Xmas and New Year.
      On January 19th, John Doyle will hopefully be showing some slides of tramping – Irish style.
      I have nothing for January 26th, Feb 2nd, Feb 9th, Feb 16th… etc.
      Please let me or Lynda Bushe (who’ll be standing in for me while I’m away) know if you can do something on one of the upcoming Wednesdays.

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