Slideshow: The building of WTMC Ruapehu Lodge : Wed 16 October 7.30pm

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    • #97438 Reply
      Roger BOLAM

      On Wednesday 16 October at 7.30pm there’ll be a Slideshow at the clubrooms on the building of the WTMC Ruapehu Lodge starting back in 1960. All are welcome to attend!

      This is the first of what is hoped to be regular quarterly evenings during the year aimed at enticing along non active Club Members and Veteran members so they can keep in touch with old friends and meet current active Clubbies. Having said that, ALL are very welcome.

      Arrive anytime after 7pm. There’ll be a KOHA bowl at the door as it’s a special hire of the hall.

      Please come along and meet some of the longer serving club members and enjoy the show!

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