snowboarder wanted by weta workshop

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    • #14603 Reply

      FYI –

      Hi there we are looking for a snow boarder to assist us in a Weta Workshop project, please circulate this amongst your members

      He must be

      – Tall

      – Male

      – Wellington based (preferably)

      – Ethnicity – Pacific Island / Maori /African American/Jamaican etc

      I can?t discuss specifics about this yet but if this sparks any kind of interest at all please contact me. You will be paid for your time. This is an urgent request so get back to me asap if keen. Thanks for your help


      Tracey Morgan
      Office Manager
      Weta Workshop
      (w): 64 4 388 9736
      (f): 64 4 388 9722
      (m): 64 27 406 6905

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