Snowcraft 09

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      Each year the club runs a course designed to introduce experienced trampers to the skills required to tramp in an alpine environment. The focus is on using ice axe and crampons and we also cover shelter building, navigation, alpine hazards, weather and effective decision making. The course is designed to equip club members to go on club trips graded ALP1.

      The dates for this year’s Snowcraft are Wed 10 June, Wed 8 July and the weekends of July 10-13 and 24-26. In order to do Snowcraft you must be a club member and available to attend the entire course. The dates are being publicised now to give people who are not currently members but who think they may want to do Snowcraft plenty of time to become members. To become a member you need to do three overnight trips, two of which are tramping trips. Once you have done this you need to complete a membership form and give it to the club membership officer who will take the form to the next Club Committee meeting where, in most cases your membership application will be approved.

      Information on Snowcraft is available on the club notice board or you can contact me.

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