Solstice at the Lodge

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      As you all may already know the club runs a trip up to the Lodge every year to celebrate winter solstice. this year is no different.

      On the weekend of the 24-26th June (yes Next weekend) we are indeed going to the Lodge for this very reason.

      there will be some tramping to be had on the Saturday.
      Marie Henderson will be leading a trip (I’m not sure where yet and I’m guessing you may have a say in the matter). If nothing else it will be entertaining!

      Sharron will also be leading a trip. If weather (and punters) is good she is thinking about doing the Tongariro crossing in reverse.

      And off course there will be a chance to kick back your heals (or boots) and enjoy Harry’s humour on Saturday night back at the lodge. The theme for the Party is “Dead or Alive” you can interprut that how you wish.

      If you want to join please email me ASAP. I will keep the sheet open until Monday next week which at that point I will need to give numbers to the Lodge and transport officers.

      Remember the cost of the weekend includes transport, food and Accomodation.


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