South Island summer trips

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    • #15302 Reply

      I am dreaming of summer trips. I have been to these areas in winter and am dead keen to go back in summer.

      Trip 1: Lewis Pass tops – mostly off track, camping on the tops by the tarns (Brass Monkey Biv area)
      Trip 2: Sudden valley, Arthurs Pass – mix of tracks and river travel, scenic camping spot

      I plan to do one trip in Feb (prob first wkend) and one in March (prob first wkend). The weather will dictate what trip is done what weekend. I’ll check flight prices and post details of my flight bookings soon. If you are interested in coming along drop me a line? I normally go after work Friday and come back on the last flight Sunday (or first one Monday if price is ok). The costs will be for the flight, hire car or van and fuel (& hostel if we come back Monday).

      These trips will be medium level – the main objective is to get to some cool places with nice views and have fun. So if you fancy seeing really nice places but don’t want to go at a fit pace to get there, these trips are for you. I vow these will be medium trips so if you fit trampers come you have to be prepared to walk at a medium pace. Otherwise you will be cramping our style & we will ignore you.

    • #18473 Reply

      ps we will fly to Christchurch

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